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1.    Men’s Ministry
This represents the men’s fellowship of the church with specialized ministry unique to men. We aim to train, equip and direct men to find their true calling in the church and also to uphold with integrity and love, the role of the head of the Christian home. We assist our men to become good role models for young people in the community.

2.    Women’s Ministry

This ministry provides special ministry to women in the church. Their services include seminars, workshop and training, fellowships etc. geared to equip and empower women to excel in all circles of endeavor. We encourage our women to rise and take on the responsibilities of mentoring their daughters and other young women to become virtuous women.

3.      Children’s Ministry

This ministry caters for children from nursery stages to about 12 years. Guided by the biblical doctrine that, train up a child the way he/she should go and when he grows, he will not depart from it, the church takes the ministry to children very seriously. Equipped with loving and experienced teachers, counselors and educators, children in the church are taken through various programs and teachings to prepare them for responsible adulthood and to help unearth and nurture their talents and gifts for the glory of God.

4.     Music, Arts and Production - Worship Team, Family Choir, Musicians and Technical Men,

This comprises of choristers, singers, bandsmen, sound engineers, etc.


          Worship team

Guided by the fact that, God dwells in the praises of his people, the worship team of the music ministry is responsible for the provision of music and leading the church into the presence of God through praise and worship during our services. This is done in an atmosphere of gratitude and thanksgiving where the Spirit of God can move and work in the lives of the people.


This ministry focuses on the handling of musical and public address equipment and also manages the recording and packaging of preached sermons and teachings. They handle the Tapes, CD'S., DVD'S productions, Technical equipment & P.A. systems.

5.      Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry concentrates on members of the church who fall between the ages of 13-24 years. Its function is to train, inspire, instruct and nurture the youth into finding full expression of their energies and ideas in the house of God and to properly integrate them into the adult service. They undertake various programs and activities that help them to develop in every area of their lives.

6.      Health and Welfare Ministry

This ministry caters for the health and welfare needs of members. In Pentecost Revival Church, we believe that, we are each other’s keeper; hence taking care of the needs of our family is of the highest priority. With various programs and activities directed towards holistic care and welfare, this ministry provides peace of mind and relief for members and other people in the communities around.

7.      Singles’ Ministry

This provides ministry for unmarried adults in the church with programs, seminars, activities and conferences specially tailored towards equipping young men and women for responsible singlehood and successful marriages.

8.      Intercessory Ministry

This is the prayer wing of the church. This ministry is made up of prayer warriors who wield spiritual battle axes for spiritual warfare and intercession. Some of its activities include, Solution Center: a program designed to spiritually minister to people through special prayer and intercession, prayer retreats and all nights etc.

9.      Counseling Ministry

This is the ministry for counselors within the church.

10.  Outreach Ministry

This ministry handles the evangelistic aspect of the church. This includes hospital visitations, prisons evangelism, house to house visitation and evangelism etc.


11.  Protocol Ministry

This is made up of Ushers, Greeters and Traffic controllers, Janitors, Hosts and Hostesses, Church Security etc.

-          Ushers

These are the wonderful, affable, cheerful and friendly people who welcome you to church every Sunday. They are devoted to helping the church accomplish its vision of providing a loving and welcoming atmosphere in the house of God. They also assist all members in any way possible to make their church experience a memorable one.


-          Hosts and Hostesses

Hand selected by the leadership, these people serve all executive needs of guests, dignitaries and other invited speakers to the church.




8:00 PM - 10:00 PM



2:00PM - 5:00 PM


Corresponding Address:
Postbus 1239

1103 AX Amsterdam




0031(0) 206951012

0031(0) 654763538

Charity's House 

Bijlmerdreef 1239

1103 TX Amsterdam



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